This blog is dedicated to the sublime instruments called nose flutes and which produce the most divine sound ever. We have chosen to discard all the native models from S. Pacific and Asia, for they need fingering to be played. We'll concentrate on "buccal cavity driven" nose flutes : the well patented and trademarked metal or plastic ones, plus, by a condemnable indulgence, some wooden craft or home-made productions.

Nov 24, 2014

The Pop-up Nose Flute : Major Improvement on the WINF!

The Wallet Instant Nose Flute (WINF) encountered a nice critical success, but some readers asked me OK, but why don't you glue the 2 parts together? Well, for sure I tried sereval ways to glue the small piece to the big one, for more comfort in the handling. The problem was kind of structural: when glued, the air exit bulged too much to create a very thin air flow. The two only obvious ways to act upon this problem would have been 1) either to make a much less broad air exit (bad solution: the flute wouldn't whistle anymore) or 2) not to bulge the nose flute itself so much (bad solution too: it has to be bent a lot in order to provide hermeticity)

But... I found a solution: make a double air exit, in order to flatten its two openings, and provide the required very thin air flow.

For that, I added a little flap on the small piece, folded it (the plastic quality has to stand with repeated foldings). This little flap is glued above the mouth hole: it keeps the airway cover at the right place and also saves the "flatability" of the nose flute.

For the rest, nothing hs changed, but it is easier now to show how this pop-up nose flute (2.5D!) works:

Here is the new template:

And the video!:



  1. great work again,!! But I must admit that I am not totally convinced of the transparency of the instrument :)))

    1. Dear Diva, translucent plastic wouldn't suit a Diva's elegance, for sure. You would deserve a gold pop-up nose flute, with diamonds.

    2. Well, christmas is coming nearer :)

  2. Wow, I can't keep from smiling! Such a simple adjustment, such great added value! I wonder if using a curved taper on the lateral sides of the flap could help in creating more various bends?

    1. Hello Maikel! No, I don't think so, but I want to make some (curved sides) in order to improve hermeticity (and so, power)

    2. Great that you are taking this further still! I wonder how (a sheet of) titanium would do...

      Could you try and experiment on creating several sound effects? I am afraid that hermeticity will get in the way of wind tones and such.

    3. Oh yes Maikel... I follow on! I'm trying different shapes for the small piece, in order to improve ergonomy and air flow. I also intend to make one in metal (tin plate, sorry, no titanium :)
